


電話受付 平日10:00~19:00 (日本時間)



電話受付 平日10:00~19:00 (日本時間)

都立国際高等学校IBコースに外国人生徒枠で合格!(with English translation)


氏名: 匿名希望さん
性別: 女性
受講コース: 都立国際高校IB入試対策コース
合格校: 都立国際高等学校 国際バカロレアコース
海外滞在国: 韓国







What made you apply for EDUBAL’s Kokusai Highschool IB entrance exam preparation course?


By parent: At that time I was still working overseas, but it was suddenly decided that I would be working in Japan. So as we were looking for a school where non-Japanese speakers like my daughter could enter, we found the Kokusai Highschool. My daughter wished to apply for the IB course which is taught in English, but it was not very easy to find a prep school that would support my daughter to prepare for the IB entrance exam. So we decided to search on the internet, and we had finally found EDUBAL, the only place that had a special course for the Kokusai Highschool’s IB course. We applied for the course immediately. As this course only had interview and group discussion lessons, we additionally applied for a math tutor from EDUBAL as well.



How was it being taught online?



By parent: As my daughter was still in Korea, she was to take the online course. At first, I was a little worried if we would be able to communicate properly online, and if the teacher is able to give appropriate advice through online teaching, but after the course had started, there weren’t any problems.

By student: I felt that the quality of teaching doesn’t really change, whether the lesson is done offline or online.



How was it being taught by a teacher who have had experienced IB?



By parent: I think that the most significant point about EDUBAL’s “Kokusai Highschool IB entrance exam preparation course” was that the teachers were ex-IB students and returnees from overseas, as this is what other prep schools cannot provide. Furthermore, the fact that EDUBAL was able to teach my daughter in English (as she cannot speak Japanese)was another point which made EDUBAL better than other prep schools.

By student: It was very encouraging to hear that the teacher has experienced IB before, and that the teacher had lots of real information about IB.



Did you find EDUBAL’s lessons helpful, now that you have taken the actual entrance exam?


By student: Definitely. If I didn’t have EDUBAL, I don’t think I would have been able to even take the exam. I found EDUBAL’s lesson especially helpful for the personal interview and the maths exams. For the interview lessons, the teacher has taught me how to speak clearly, and has given me accurate advice. For maths lessons, the teacher has taught me how to solve problem in Japanese style, as I had never learnt maths in a Japanese way before.



Were you able to see or feel your child’s improvement while taking EDUBAL’s course?


By parent: Of course, my daughter is the one who has felt her own improvement the most, but there was something that could be felt from parent’s point of view. When I received the evaluation sheet for the interview and the group discussion from the teacher, I have really felt that EDUBAL is bringing my daughter’s potential out, as the evaluation was very logical and objective.



Please give advice to students who will be preparing to take the IB entrance exam in the future!


By student: Try to seek help, and don’t think you can do all the studying by yourself. And I would like to say, EDUBAL is definitely a very good program for seeking help. As an advice for studying, I always try to not study for long hours at one time because you lose your concentration. I recommend you to take a few breaks in between studying.



Please give advice to parents of the students who will be preparing to take the IB entrance exam.


By parent: When we started to think about taking the entrance exam, we really had a limited choice of prep schools or tutors as we were still outside Japan and were not able to speak Japanese. Therefore, I was very relieved when I found EDUBAL, where online teaching in English was possible. As an advice for studying, I had always made my daughter study English until the day of the exam. My daughter has experience in living in London when she was in primary school and moved back to Korea after 5 years. After moving back to Korea, she has always worked hard to keep her English skills by continuously reading English books. Since the IB course is taught in English, I think it is very necessary for students to maintain their English skills and develop their ability to think in English. To improve these skills, I thought that reading is very effective and therefore I gave many English books to my daughter.


