


電話受付 平日10:00~19:00 (日本時間)



電話受付 平日10:00~19:00 (日本時間)

Online International Baccalaureate (IB) English Tutor in Tokyo

There are many students in Tokyo who are studying to take a bilingual diploma.The absence of English speaking online tutors for IB subjects may however be a common struggle.
Here at EDUBAL, we can support you through online English tutoring from returnees and IB graduates. This page introduces the offers that we, as EDUBAL, can make for students who look for English IB tutors.

Online tutoring for those who don’t want go to cram school! Characteristics of our IB Courses!

IB Graduates teach in English

At EDUBAL, carefully selected IB graduates teach online. During the one-on-one sessions, you will be able to ask questions regarding your class or go through other IB specific subjects in English. As a graduate of the same curriculum, the tutors will be able to support you in any IB related matter.


Online classes, wherever you are!

Online tutoring at EDUBAL is available to you, wherever you are as long as you have your computer with you. We introduce tutors from various fields to fulfill your needs.

Outline of our Online Tutoring

The interactive nature of tutoring will allow you, to progress smoothly.


To take our classes, you will need a computer, an online connection and three additional devices.

1.Headset・・・A device to allow voice communication
2.Webcam・・・To allow video calls
3.Overhead-cam・・・・A camera to display notes and textbooks.

Regarding all three devices, EDUBAL is able to lend them for free.

(shipping fees are included. However, we will not be liable for any custom fees applied due to international shipping. )

Therefore, as long as you have a computer at home, you have everything you need to participate in our courses.

IB Course Subjects

IB Physics, IB Chemistry, IB Biology, IB Economics, IB Japanese( including self-taught), IB Math, TOK, EE, etc. we will support you in your needs. Feel free to get in touch.


English A Literature SL/HL
English A Language and Literature SL/HL
Japanese A Literature SL/HL
Japanese A Language and Literature SL/HL
Independent Self-Taught Language A Literature SL
English B SL/HL
Japanese B SL/HL
History SL/HL
Business SL/HL
Economics SL/HL
Psychology SL/HL
Philosophy SL/HL
Biology SL/HL
Physics SL/HL
Chemistry SL/HL
Design Technology SL/HL
Mathematics SL/HL
Mathematical Studies SL
Mathematics:Applications and interpretation SL/HL
Mathematics: Analysis and approaches SL/HL
Visual Arts SL/HL
Music SL/HL
Core subjects(Bonus points)
Theory of knowledge(TOK)
Extended Essay(EE)


IB Course Fees

Entrance fee:¥22,000(Tax excluded)

Trial lesson fee:¥2,420(Tax excluded)

Tutoring fee:60min ¥7,500(Tax excluded)
Monthly tutoring fee ( 1 session per week x4 ) =¥30,000(Tax excluded)

※ We require students to take at least 1 session per week in order to assure effectiveness. Thank you for your understanding.

Experience our trail lesson for free! Experience our service to see if it fits with you.

IB Course Tutors

Our IB course tutors are currently enrolled to Waseda University, Keio University, Sophia University and other high-ranked institutions. Throughout their academic careers they experienced education in various places and examinations in many fields. This experience and the IB related background as a commonality, allows us therefore to support you in your struggle.

  • ● Mai Okamoto(Keio University / Political Science course in the Faculty of Law)

    Experience living abroad USA 5 years/UK 3 years 

    Course offer History SL, Math SL, Japanese HL/SL, English B HL

    【Tutor’s message】
    The most important tip to survive the IB is to revise the syllabus thoroughly after classes and before exams. Using my experience as an IB student, I will guide you through textbooks, check essays, and support you to meet your goals in high school.



  • 息子のレベルを見極め、寄り添った指導をしてくださいました。ご指導のお陰で、勉強嫌いな息子もやる気が出て前向きに授業を受けることができ、英語力を向上させることができました。ありがとうございました。

    • TOEFLコース
    • 中1~3
    • ニュージーランド
  • とても明るくテキパキと、丁寧な指導ありがとうございました。本人も満足している様です。今後も何かありましたら宜しくお願い致します。 

    • IBコース
    • 高1~3
    • カナダ
  • 短い間でしたが大変にお世話になりました。いつも簡潔に教えてくれたため、効率よくワークを進めることができました。

    • IBコース
    • 高1~3
    • 愛知県
  • 明るくハキハキとした丁寧な授業で、毎回有意義な時間を過ごすことができたようです。メールでのコミュニケーションも丁寧で信頼できました。

    • 短期集中コース
    • 中1~3
    • オランダ
  • 体験の後娘が是非指導してもらいたい先生との事でお願いする事になりました。どんな所がいちばんいいかと聞いた時に毎週のレッスンが楽しみだと言っていました。大変な時期に楽しみだと思えることはとても嬉しく思います。 オンラインでのレッスンは私としてはとても不安でしたが、様子をみていると真剣にレッスンをこなし、時にはリラックスした様子もみられメリハリがあるレッスンだと感じます。スコアもきちんと出ていますし、指導も明確でとてもわかりやすいと言っています。 TOEFLの指導で終わる予定でしたが、本人が色々と相談もできて心強いと励みになるようで、レッスンをもう少しみていただくことになりました。本人に合ういい先生に出逢えた事がなによりもよかったです。

    • TOEFLコース
    • 高1~3
    • 千葉県